Feature a spiral flute design with self-starting drill tip,for fast, smooth drilling with a rotary drill or impact wrench andmarket-leading 5mm thick drilling capacity.
VersaDrive® Step Drills have a patented non-slip, Hex shanksuitable for use in any standard 1/2" drill chuck for cordless or pistoldrills or used with a VersaDrive® Rapid Lock adapter for use in a wide range ofpower tools such as Magnetic Drills.
Product Benefits
Market leading 5mm step thickness, spiral flute design andsize markings at each step
118º split point angle for easy hole start & pilotaccuracy
Industrial grade Titanium Nitride coating reduces heatbuildup and burn-out
Use on Impact to prevent dangerous kickback caused byhandheld rotary tools
Heavy-duty hex shank design for secure non-slip operation
Quality results on stainless steels and Inox - rotaryapplication recommended
VersaDrive patented shank and modular adapters provideunbeatable jobsite flexibility
Impact-rated due to dual hardening process - allows up to15X faster speed than traditional methods
Quick Guide
For fastest performance use on Impact Wrenches & ImpactDrivers
Excellent life and performance when used with rotary pistoldrills or drill presses
Suitable for stainless and harder materials if used at lowRPM
Use appropriate lubrication and correct RPM to achieve longtool life
111130-012A ADAPTOR:
This upgraded VersaDrive, Impact Wrench adapter features:
Rapid-Lock, single handed loading
Quick Release collar for swift tool changeover
Impact rated for high speed operation - up to 15x fasterthan traditional methods
Impact rated system stops dangerous kickback when drillingwith handheld drills
Knurled design for easy grip in damp and greasyconditions
Collar design prevents contact with work piece andaccidental tool release
Hardened steel components with rust resistant finish
Industrial strength to easily handle the high torque ofmodern Impact tools
Converts standard 1/2" Impact Drivers for use withVersaDrive®
Supplied with retention pin and ring.
**Upgraded 2020 design The 1/2" Drive Rapid Lockdesign replaces the 111110-012A 1/2" Impact Adapter**
Simply push any VersaDrive® tool into the adapter whichsecurely locks onto the shank.
Holemaker Technology 3 Piece Impact Rated Step Drill Set 12, 22, 30MM In Foam & 111130-012A Adaptor